If you love outdoor activities, you might as well consider a sunscreen to protect yourself from the scorching heat and the tan right after. Outdoors are always fun with your friends and family.  But, there is a high chance that you might end up getting a sunburn. However, there are many options to look for which can take care of your skin while you are out the whole day.

How much sunscreen is enough?

There are a few things to consider while making sure you are loaded with full protection. Here are some of them:


The Place

Before putting on sunscreen, it is important to know the typical weather condition of the place you would be hiking or trail running. For example; the Appalachian Trail has a lot of shaded trees which can be useful against the scorching heat. However, if you are planning to hike above the tree-line, it is best to secure yourself with a layer of sunscreen. It is advisable to research about the place beforehand to have an idea of what kind of clothes are required for the climate. 

The right clothing and gear makes it easier to hike. There is a chance of potential sunburn to happen while you are at it, but a sunscreen can be your saviour for burns and tan lines. Even if the weather is mildly gloomy, it is best to take sunscreen with you wherever you go. 

Is Your Skin Sensitive?

Our skin varies with each individual, and the amount of sunburn one can go through is also related to the type of skin one has. If your skin is too sensitive and gets burnt easily, it is best to pay attention towards protection against damaged skin. There are many options to choose from when you have a fairly light skin tone to protect from the harmful UV rays.

Types of Sunscreen

There are various types of sunscreens based on the skin type as well as the SPF rating. There is, however, a misconception that the higher the SPF rating, the more time you can spend outside and stay exposed to the sun. There are also a few downsides to applying sunscreen all over your body.

  • Chemicals: Most of the sunscreens that we buy in the market are filled with chemicals. There are a few organic ones that you can choose, but they are costlier than the chemical filled sunscreens.
  • Re-applying: If you do not reapply sunscreen, it might not be beneficial when you sweat a lot. Re-applying also leads to carrying big sunscreen bottles and tubes with you throughout the whole hiking process.
  • Expensive: Sunscreen is not cheap. If you cover your whole body with it, you might need a lot of sunscreen. 


There are a few valuable lessons I have learnt when it comes to choosing a sunscreen. 

  • It is best to use a natural sunscreen rather than the ones filled with chemicals. Anything that has a long list of things which you cannot pronounce might be a bit strange if you think about it. 
  • You can simply make sure to protect yourself from heat as much as possible to keep yourself hydrated and not sweat much. 
  • Mineral sunscreens are a good choice if you want to use natural sunscreens. Mineral sunscreens are composed of minerals such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide which act like a blockage against the harmful UV rays.

Effective Clothing and Equipment

Last but not the least, make sure to wear the right gear and clothing depending upon the weather. Wear a bucket hat or a sun hat to protect yourself from direct sunlight. Wear a long sleeve shirt and pants to cover as much as possible. It is advisable to choose breathable clothes that have a sweat-wicking capacity. Sunglasses and umbrellas are some of the other options to explore. Choose these simple yet effective options and make your hiking worth.