If you love both skiing and snowboarding, you would know that it takes a lot of understanding about the sport. If you are a novice, then you would be aware of the exhilarating pain and adventure and which one suits you best. There are a few differences in the sport which you need to be aware of and which one suits you best. It is always better to make informed choices before moving onto the decision making process.

If you are going to hit the slopes for the first time, it is easy to ski. It is one of the easier sports to take up than snowboarding. It is more intuitive when it comes to understanding how it works. The legs remain separated and therefore, at lower speed it becomes possible for you to throw one of them out if you start to lose balance. You can then re-balance yourself and get going again.

A guide to snowboarding

Snowboarding is perfect to ride over powdery snow. The ride is slower and it gets smoother if you run on a pair of skis. Trays are safer for the knees and knee injuries. It is also good to invest in wrist guards so that you can lock your hands in the board. The hands and wrists take most of the pressure while falling.

There is an art to getting up after a fall and once it is mastered, it has proven to be easier than having to put a lot of pressure on your knees and the equipment right after falling on skis.

Snowboarding stances are also essential to look at because you can see what is right in front of you 50% of the time. It usually takes a bit of time to learn to ropes, but once you have learnt the basics, the adventure begins. You start enjoying the ride and have fun. Once you have perfected the basics, you can slowly move onto improving your balance. If there is less contact between the snow and the base of the board, turning gets easier. Turnings are basic and achievable in a week or two.

A guide to skiing

Skid work better on ice and bumps if you are looking for speed and have a weapon of choice when it comes to velocity. It is easy to ski if you are conscious of the time you have on the slopes. Most first timers prefer ski over snowboarding.

For people who have just begun to ski, it is beneficial to pick up the rhythm and turn in a sharp manner. You can push yourself with the help of the poles. You can be confidently skiing around after a couple of tries. It is also important to know that it takes a longer amount of time to learn the tough skills after the basic level has been achieved.

Essential gear to take on a snow sport

With two skis under your feet and poles on each hand, you need to wear a lightweight winter wear which can accommodate the weight of the poles and help you turn easily. Layered clothing, gloves, thermal layering are some of the equipment which are necessary for the snow sport.


Which one would you go for?

It depends upon your instructor and the process of learning which you are comfortable with while choosing skiing and snowboarding. If you love the process of adventure, choosing both the sport can also be an option.