To me walkathons or sponsored walks are one of the greatest things in life. It requires some planning but once you set your mind to it, they are easy and fun. Usually, I always join one or the other support groups for going on a Walkathon, but last time I decided to plan one on my own! If you are also thinking about doing this read on to find out how to pull off a successful and interesting sponsored walk.

Planning is key!

The first step towards carrying out anything is a plan. Lay down a blueprint comprising of 4Ws (What, Where, Who, Why). Unless you know answer to all these questions, there are slim chances of your walk being successful.

Who is going?– Your tribe would definitely define your vibe! Decide who you want to take with you on the sponsored walk. Do you want to take your friends, family, colleagues or do you want to take a solo trip? Depending on the people you want to take with you the place, route, and timeframe has to be suitable for them, so its best to come up with a plan.

What you want to do?– Decide what you want to do in the walkathon. Do you want a simple walk or something like a fun relay?  Since a sponsored walk is attended by people of different age groups a different or original idea would bring in the crowds. Why not plan your walk/relay somewhere where you have always wanted to go.

Where are you going? – The main thing that influences your walk is the location you choose to do it in. Depending on the people you are taking along on this sponsored walk your venue should be decided. If your walk is going to take place in a local park or any other local location ensure that there are public facilities available like washrooms, eating joints, and resting places for your group. If you want to take a rural route, you and your party might need to plan for not having these amenities along the way.

Why would you do this? – Sponsored walks are always related to a definite cause. Choose your cause and plan the entire walkathon around this to make sure the group is motivated enough for joining you and supporting the walk. This would help your walk become a success.

The Day is Here!

Finally, when the day arrives take care of basic precautionary measures. Keep water and food handy so that you and your group members are hydrated and energetic. Carry also necessary clothing depending on the weather and conditions of the places you are about to cover. Don’t forget to take a first aid kit with you so that you are prepared to assist with any minor injuries along the way.

Go ahead and plan a sponsored walk! Not only would it help raise a lot of money for good cause but also help you and your people stay fit.