While running, we face many roadblocks, one being injuries. They don’t only put you one step farther from the goals but also derail the ongoing plans. Fitness enthusiasts who focus on high-intensity training might end up facing running injuries. The reality is that everyone faces injuries while working out. But the way you handle them determines your upcoming workout days.

While small injuries can heal in a week, intense ones may take up to a month for recovery.

To make sure that the minor injuries don’t turn out to be bigger in the future, here are some tips to follow for a few days. Let’s discuss them so that you can avoid skipping the workout entirely –

  1. Stop and Access

Before you think that you’ve recovered and begun working out again, it’s time to stop running and first realise the problem. Many enthusiastic runners continue working out before understanding that they are injured.

If you feel that something is not right, take a break and evaluate the situation. You might only have to skip running for a few days. But if you keep on ignoring minor injuries, they will turn into major problems.

  1. Stretching is Important

You can see any workout video and every trainer would ask you to stretch the muscles before beginning. Take 10 minutes out of the routine and stretch all the important muscles before running. Focus on your quads, calves, hips, hamstrings, back, and shoulders.

Focus on active stretching before you run or static stretching after it so that there’s optimum blood circulation in the body. Not only that, but the muscles would also come in proper formation for running.

  1. Self-care

After exercising or when you have faced a minor injury, it is always good to massage, ice, or use a foam roll on that area. Not only that, but there are various other ways to pamper yourself after an injury.

You can always seek a professional trainer’s advice for various forms of self-care.

  1. Cross-training

For a smooth fitness journey, you can always include cross-training in the regime. If you feel that one type of cress training is worsening your injury, you can always try something else. There are various options available online or with fitness instructors.

One of the biggest advantages of cross-training is that it helps you stay in shape while the injury is in the recovery stage. Even if you don’t feel like cross-training is something that catches your interest, you can always indulge in it temporarily.

  1. Strength Training

Runners might not be into strength training but it can be a good equaliser for them. It helps you carry your body weight while running, keeps you balanced, and prepares the body for the future workload.

Strength training doesn’t have to be extensive. You can always contribute 40 to 60 minutes for a strong body and minimum injuries.

Quick Recap

Running doesn’t seem like an exercise that’ll end up with an injury but there are chances for the chance. It is always good to take care of yourself, focus on all kinds of activities, and focus on stretching before beginning the workout. Before your minor injury turns into a major one, realise what you are doing wrong. You can even hire a running coach for better guidance.