Everyone packs their ultralight backpack differently but something that remains standard is that there should be no poking or discomfort. Ultralight bags have a thin composition without any frame and only one main compartment. So, it is important that you pack the gear in a way that doesn’t obstruct your comfort or feel bulky. In this blog, we would learn about the best ways to pack those bags and head for the trip.

Division of the Bag

Your backpack can be divided into four sections for efficiency and comfort:

  1. Top Section: The easiest section should be reserved for essentials you frequently need, such as a jacket, gloves, skincare essentials, and sunglasses.
  2. Middle Section: This section is ideal to keep heavy things, especially food and drinks.
  3. Bottom Section: The base is ideally suited for bulky yet light products, such as a backpack and clothing. These are the things you would not need during your activity.
  4. External Section: The backpack has side and front pockets that are used to organise small items, such as a map, earphones, compass, and more.

Let us discuss each of these points in detail.

Top Section for Small Items

While travelling, you cannot fiddle with the bag and look for handy essentials everywhere. That’s why it is always advised to keep such things at the top. This includes your water bottle, first-aid kit, rain jacket, and other warm clothing you might need.

Middle Section for Heavy Items

The centre section is close to your back and is the core zone. So, if you keep heavy items there, they would provide comfortable support to your spine. For instance, if you are packing a bear canister for food then it should be placed horizontally in the centre. This will keep your backpack balanced.

Bottom Section for Bulky Items

Those extra pairs of clothing and sleeping bags are bulky items that won’t be required for a long time. Although these items are bulky, they can be compressed easily and fill up the base. Make sure that you align the items in such a way that they create lumbar support and don’t make you feel uncomfortable.

Exterior Pockets for Quick-access Items

There are plenty of small things that you need time and again during the trip. All of them can be stored in the external pockets of your ultralight backpack. You don’t have to constantly stop and juggle through everything to find them. Essentials such as tent poles, maps, utility tools, toilet paper rolls, and more can easily fit in small compartments.

Convert Sleeping Pad into a Frame

Ultralight backpacks have minimal to no frame and that’s why you can use the sleeping pad for support and framing. Here is how you can pack the sleeping pad –

  • Roll the pad and create a tube-like structure. Place it vertically and your bag is ready for more stuff.
  • Fold the sleeping pad neatly and place it against the back. This would create a padded frame and add an extra layer of safety.


An ultralight backpack might work similarly to a traditional bag but you need some practise to organise it perfectly. This would not only help you find everything easily but also keep you comfortable for long hours.