‘Down-filled jackets have left the ski slopes and are taking over our cities’ reports Carolyn Asome of The Times. These warm, effortless jackets are being snapped up in their thousands as our hottest fashionistas are being spotted around town sporting the latest branded version.

As with many trends, designers have embraced something that began life as a practical item. The once bulky and unflattering image that came with a down jacket (once dubbed the Michelin Man look) has now been transformed into a flattering, feminine silhouette abound with matching prints and an ability to compliment your favourite dress!

The reason behind this sudden change or heart it seems by the high end designers is the demand seen by our mass population. It’s not only SJP and Rita Ora that can embrace the anorak revolution, the mums waiting in the cold and rain at the school gates also want to do so looking glamorous!

This fashion bomb increasing demand at such a rapid rate has led to the obvious boom in sales among our high street favourites, and more importantly, the increase in choice given to us at great prices. Have a look though some of the most popular brands this season and be the envy of your friends in a great looking padded jacket… you can still look fashionable, even in the rain!