I have always had a love-hate relationship with fitness. I remember being a young girl and participating in gymnastics. I cherished the feeling of flipping through the air and landing perfectly on my feet. But I also remember the gruelling training sessions, the early mornings, and the constant pain. It was a love-hate relationship from the very beginning.

 My life has always revolved around fitness in one way or another. As a young girl, I participated in gymnastics and other competitive sports. And while I enjoyed the thrill of competition, I also quickly learned that fitness is so much more than just winning medals. I also tried cycling, running, weightlifting, and more.

 Then, one day, everything changed. I was in a bad accident and injured my leg. For a long time, I couldn't do any of the things that I used to love. I couldn't cycle, I couldn't work out, I couldn't even walk without pain. All of a sudden, fitness wasn't fun anymore. It was something that I had to do for physical therapy, something that was painful and frustrating.

 But eventually, with time and patience, I started to heal. And as my body healed, so did my relationship with fitness. Slowly but surely, I started to fall in love with movement all over again. And although it looks different now than it did before, I'm not racing to be the fastest or lifting the heaviest weights; I'm finally enjoying fitness for exactly what it is: a way to feel good in my own skin.

 Fitness is about setting goals and pushing yourself to reach them. It's about learning discipline and perseverance. It's about finding out what you're made of and then becoming even stronger. I've continued to exercise throughout my life, but it wasn't until recently that I truly fell in love with fitness.

 For me, fitness is now less about achieving a certain look or reaching a specific goal weight. It's more about how it makes me feel mentally and emotionally. It's about the challenge of pushing myself both physically and mentally every single day. And it's about knowing that no matter what life throws my way, I can always handle it because I'm strong inside and out.

 Fitness isn't just about how you look on the outside; it's about how you feel on the inside too. It's about building strength, both physical and mental so that you can handle whatever life throws your way.