From an early age, I was always active. I loved to run and play outside. As I grew older, I found joy in different activities, but my love for being active was the one constant. When I was introduced to cycling, it was like coming home. The feeling of the wind in my hair, the sun on my skin, and the sense of freedom are beyond words.

Cycling has brought me joy in a way that nothing else has. And that is why I want to share my love for cycling and walking with others. It’s funny how you can be going through the same motions every day, and never really take the time to appreciate them.

To feel the joy of motion and experience life in all its glory, moving the body can be an escape – but it’s also a way to connect with the world.

 Our origins lie in nature

 As I embarked on my walking journey along the Florida Trail, the forest path was quiet and peaceful, the perfect place to clear my head. I breathed in the fresh air, letting the tranquillity wash over me. I have always come to nature for solace ever since I could remember.

 I loved how the water bared witness to my every step. It represented balance, and I thought of that as I walked through it; beautiful in its transparency- like life itself is meant for us all to see each other clearly despite our differences. The sky has always been my mentor when looking at how everything returns home after being apart

 I felt grateful for nature's accepting presence, grateful that it was always there for me when I needed it most. It had been a difficult year, and I could finally take some time for myself. To breathe deep and find peace in the natural world.

 We live in a failing society

 The culture of modern-day society has been designed to lack the essentials for wellness, and this is harmful on many levels. We treat our bodies as machines to be used and discarded when they break down. We suffer the loss of meaning and connection, which dries up our souls.

 So many people are sick and unhappy nowadays. I've felt the same way myself, but it's not just me anymore. This seems to be a trend across society as a whole! People think of depression or anxiety as psychological disorders when they're just parts of emotional illnesses that occur due to a lack of caring about yourself in our overworked culture.

 Happiness begins with hope

Every long journey is full of mysteries that cannot be explained or defined. There are moments where you think, "This makes no sense at all," but then something happens to change your perspective entirely.

When you're out on a ride, your body releases endorphins, which have been proven to boost mood and decrease stress. And it's not just your body that benefits from physical activity; your mind does too.

Being in nature has been shown to lower anxiety and improve focus. So next time you feel down, don’t shy away from the movement. Embrace it instead. Let yourself be pulled into the dance of life, and see what happens next.