Whatever the time of year in Britain the unique weather we have affects what clothing for outdoors we wear and pack. It can be bright sunshine in the morning but we just know that rain will appear at some point. But what affects our bit of the world to make our weather in such a way? Here are a few ideas from the professionals.

Weather, in metrological terms, refers to the elements, such as temperature, wind and rain that affect the country on a daily basis. And these can change not only day by day, but hour by hour. After all we know that in this country of ours we can have all four seasons in a day! However, it is this diversity that makes our weather so distinct. Temperatures tend to be mild, and we get four distinct seasons, we even had a summer this year, but we can also get warm weather in the middle of February and freezing rain in August, or both in one day. We ay not get the dramatic weather that is seen in other areas of the world, but that dramatic extreme is normally easily predicted. Here in the UK you might have to look at the weather forecast more than once during the course of a morning in order to plan your afternoon walk properly.

The variability of the weather we have comes down to the fact that we are an island and our position in relation to the neighbouring land masses and bodies of water. It is a place where five different air masses meet and basically fight for dominance so in metrological terms there is simply a lot going on. The five air masses are either polar or tropical, depending on their area of origin, and also by being maritime or continental, reflecting whether it has passed over land or sea before it reaches our shores. Where they meet creates a weather front and the fight begins the winner then dictates the weather we get.

However, there is one more thing that has a great affect on our country’s weather and that is of course the Jet Stream. This high altitude ribbon of fast moving air’s position can make a big difference to the type of weather. So we have a bit of everything above us and this is what makes it so difficult to predict, and in turn gives us so much to talk about.

So whether it’s a red sky in the morning or in the evening, make sure your clothing for outdoors is chosen correctly for whichever season you are expecting, and here at Outdoor Look you will find the best range of clothing for all the weather that mother nature can throw at you, so check out the website.