If you have your holiday advancing and your friends suddenly cancel, but you really want to go, you are left with two options: you can either cancel the trip and wait for the time when your friends will be free or you can go for a solo trip. Doing something for the very first time can be really daunting but look at it from a different perspective. You should think of umpteen things which you can do while you are on a solo trip. But before you move to the path of a solo trip, start answering some important questions beforehand.

What If I Get An Injury?

This is one of the most common concerns and one of the most valid ones to be asked to oneself. There is a real risk which should be pondered upon and measures should be taken to reduce the dangers. There are certain things which can be taken care of:

  • Stop pushing yourself and do not be too hard on yourself
  • Be conscious of avoiding an injury
  • Carry a first-aid kit with yourself
  • Keep yourself fit

How Do I Ensure I Dont Get Lost?

If this is the first time into the wilderness on your own, then you must consider going to a place which is simple yet difficult. Take care of the fact that your plan might go awol in the mid and it may be difficult to get back on track. Understand the odds and take measures which can minimise them properly:

  • Carry a map and a compass
  • Read the map beforehand
  • Be sure of carrying a GPS with topographical maps

What Can Be Done If Your Gear Breaks?

You should not be dependent on 1 piece of equipment to keep you safe, so make sure you have full capability to fall back on another piece of equipment or some backup methodology to keep you secure.

  • Shelter-Tent, emergency blanket, tarpaulin
  • Clean drinking water- filter, purification pills, boil
  • Cooking- Stove or fire with myriad ways of starting fire

What More Should Be on Top of the Mind?

  • Daylight hours: You have to be totally dependent on yourself while you go for solo camping.
  • Weather: Check the weather forecast of the day on which you have planned for the trip.
  • Gear: Buy some good quality gear because it will be burdensome to carry big food barrels and pots with yourself.

You should keep in your mind that any of the above-mentioned risks could happen. So, be very comfortable with the place and take all the necessary precautions before you start your trip.