Nice, The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, has released new guidance for those of us who are overweight and obese to look at how lifestyle changes can help to reduce weight in a modest way and to keep that weight off.

Obesity is still on the increase in the UK, with more than a quarter of the adult population being classed as obese and a further 42% being classed as overweight. It increases the risk of conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and even some forms of cancers. This also puts an increased strain on the NHS with the consequences of obesity being £5.1 billion each year.

The new information looks at how the provision of “multi-component lifestyle weight management services”. This approach covers programmes such as course, clubs or groups that aim to change someone’s behaviour to reduce their food intake and to encourage them to be more active physically. The latest research shows that a weight reduction of a few pounds, equivalent to about 3% of body weight kept off for the remainder of the person’s life may help to improve or prevent health problems, but the greater the loss the greater the benefits.

So the programmes should cover the following points:

Tackle diet, physical activity and change behaviour

Be more focused on lifelong change, not just short-term gains

Last for a minimum of twelve weeks, setting a target weight for the end of the programme and another for a date twelve months after that.

Should include a plan to reduce the total calorie intake of each person, but not to ban specific foods or food groups.

Introduce physical activity into daily life, such as walking

All participants are to be treated with respect and all courses are to be non-judgemental.

The courses would be made up of a mix of both established NHS courses, with voluntary and private slimming and exercise based courses, based in the community and the workplace so that as many people can get involved as possible. So if you feel the need to shed a few pounds, and from the latest statistics, that appears to be most of us, lets get involved and make this country a little healthier by getting a bit more active, so put on your walking gear and lets get started.