Outdoor adventure can be a lot of fun, especially for those who crave an adrenaline rush. Fancying yourself as an adventurer without knowing where to start from can, however, be a major concern. Many people resort to the age-old technique of getting their inspiration to explore the unexplored from the big screen. Cinematic adventure can definitely motivate you apart from educating you about the challenges you might face and the discoveries you can make in the outdoors. I have watched several movies before transforming into a complete outdoor adventure enthusiast. My favourites from the list are as follows:

1. Raiders of the Lost Ark

This famous movie flick takes the genre of adventure to another level. Harrison Ford’s globetrotter archaeologist sets the figure of an archetypal adventurer. With a lot of action that ensue the chases and escapes, this movie is certainly going to be the most exciting of all.

2. 127 Hours

This biographical survival psychological thriller is one of its kinds. The story revolves around a hiker and the hardships he has to endure to achieve the ultimate target. His desperate attempts to free himself from the obstacles that come his way in the form of the great Canyon and his 127 hours of struggle before he is rescued are what make the movie a must-watch. Although I was disappointed to find that the film's running time falls far short of the length implied by the title, pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone even while you are on the most prepared adventures is what this movie teaches.

3.14. Life of Pi

This American movie by Ang Lee exemplifies that not every ending is a bad ending. Apart from the struggle of the protagonist to survive in the toughest of the situations, the movie is a journey of the boy who faces ups and downs but even after so many tribulations is able to evolve as a winner. The moments of trial teaches him the qualities of endurance and perseverance, much required by all outdoor enthusiasts. The other themes that the movie deals with are - friendship, bravery, self-discovery, and the thought of never-giving-up on life.

4. Maiden Trip

This sea adventure documentary revolves around a woman who is on a two-year voyage. The desire to be the youngest person to sail around the world without any companions gives her the strength to go on. The spirit to never give up on hopes and your desires are clearly apparent in the movie. No matter how many people are there with you, your struggle is yours alone and only you can solve it.

5. Mile… Mile and a Half

The documentary is inspirational to those who have dreamt of going on extended hikes. Going on trails is not just the thing about achieving your set target but also bonding with your fellow mates. The old adage - “It’s about the journey, not the destination” aptly suites the theme of the movie. Communication and harmony are two factors that can contribute o making your outdoor adventures more fun and memorable.

6. An American Ascent

Dealing with themes such as race, sports, adventure, and breaking the stereotypes, makes this award-winning movie a must-watch. The challenges, the African-American climbers face in order to climb up the highest iconic mountain peak of the continent are daunting but not something to be afraid of.

These are just a few films that can keep you hooked and boost your confidence to take up challenges without losing your calm. This also proves that a piece of art, in this case, a film, isn’t just for entertainment but teaches you to fight the hurdles and obstacles that come your way while you are out for expeditions.