As a parent, it’s always challenging to take on a hiking expedition along with your kid. Going out alone on your own can be fun and enthralling, but knowing you have a kid to babysit can really give you jitters. This is why many people, once they have a child, don’t take the idea of hiking very seriously. However, being a father, I always wanted to take my son outdoors. This encouraged me not to give up on taking him hiking.

However, hiking with children is a very different experience from hiking alone as an adult. While you or I may get a lot of fulfilment out of the simplicity of a hike that puts us in touch with our surroundings, children have much shorter attention spans and have greater need for entertainment. You need to make sure that your children are enjoying the hike as much as you, or else they may grow up thinking that hiking is boring - which is the exact opposite of what you want! Fortunately, after some trial and error, I've now hit upon a few tricks that you can use to make sure that your parent-child hike goes as well as it can.

Making it fun for the kids

Remember, you have kids with you and they will never come unless they know that it’s going to fun for them. Indulging them in a captivating game or activity is the only way you can keep them engaged. The moment it starts to get boring for them, they will start causing mischief and the hike will go off the rails fast. Make sure they don't get bored!

Convincing the kids

The kids need assurance that there is something interesting for them. I would suggest thoroughly researching the trail and the area to which you will be taking them - try to find something exciting that you will encounter along the way, or some local story that the children can sink their teeth into. Create possibilities for them to enjoy themselves, which can be anything from climbing trees, to spotting animals they haven't seen before.

Make it a habit

There's no use taking your kid for a hike on any random day and expecting that they will want to go again. Try to make it a regular affair! Take your child out every other weekend, or whatever fits your schedule, and they will start to grow accustomed to the idea of long walks through beautiful locations. Once it's become a habit for them, you'll soon find that the whole situation is flipped as they'll be the ones badgering you to take them out on the trails!

Dress them well

Never take your kids out without extra layering on. They can take off extra layers if they're hot, but if they go out underdressed and end up freezing, they're not likely to enjoy themselves. Their shoes also need to be comfortable and suitable for the environment that you're taking them to, unless you're ready for a lot of complaining about sore feet.

Keep it simple

You don’t need to carry loads of weight by stuffing your bag with diapers, toys, creams, and so many other things that you might not even need. Try to keep your backpack lightweight so that you can get the most enjoyment along with your kids.

Always remember that you don’t need to achieve anything extraordinary on your trip. Just try to keep it simple and make good memories that your child can cherish later in life.