Camping provides multiple options for you to have fun. Not only does it let you break away from the boredom of city life, it also lets you explore your inner self by indulging in never-done-before activities. You can go fishing, climb trees and go on a wild hunt or if you want to get social, light a campfire. Lighting a fire is one of the things that make us superior to other beings on this planet. Not only does it offer protection, it also creates an ambience for a social discourse amongst campers.

You do not need to carry a lot of items for lighting a campfire on your adventures. All the raw materials are available in the wild. Go armed with an axe, chop down some wood and you are ready to light up your campfire. I have been an avid camper for a long time and I can say from my experience that lighting a campfire and enjoying its cosy comfort has been one of the most satisfying parts of my adventures. With a campfire you can:

1. Mark Your Territory

In the wild, a campfire serves as your identity. It identifies your group, marks your territory, and brings everyone together. All of you may be involved in different activities but a campfire makes sure that you are bound together in your adventures. If you are camping in an isolated zone with no other group of campers around, a campfire provides you the assurance that you are all together and not alone.

2. Feel the Warmth and Stay Toasty

If you are camping in a cold place, a campfire provides you heat. You can warm your hands using the heat of the fire and stay toasty. More often than not, campsites are located near water reservoirs. These places have moisture in the air which can make the surroundings chilly during the night. The moment a campfire is lit the temperature rises and you feel the cosiness. Whenever I go camping, I wait with eagerness for the night time so I can find comfort in the warm embrace of the fire. Besides providing a snug experience, it is utterly romantic.

3. Stay Safe from Wild Animals

Animals do not go near a fire. With a campfire you can keep wild animals away and keep yourself safe. The protective benefits a campfire offers by scaring off animals cannot be replicated. On a camping trip, the fire lit by you is your most effective weapon against animals.

4. Cook Food

The joy of roasting your freshly caught fish over a campfire is immense. The raw feeling that you get while digging into that roasted fish cannot be matched with a trip to the nearest restaurant. A campfire acts like a natural stove and lets you cook a variety of meals and boil water - though it's still recommended to bring a stove with you, just in case.

5. Get Free Light in the Dark

You do not have to splurge on lighting supplies on your camping trip if you are planning to make a campfire. A single campfire offers enough light to illuminate your surroundings. The natural light creates an amazing ambience which cannot be put into words and demands to be experienced. You should still keep your torches handy if you plan on dawdling away from the campfire in the dark, though.

6. Keep Pesky Insects and Mosquitoes Away

A campfire produces smoke which keeps most insects and mosquitoes away from you. If you want better protection you can burn some sage in the campfire. The strong smell of sage will prove more effective and let you sleep with peace without worrying about bites at night.