With the passing of Easter and the changing of the clocks, we can now surely say that Spring is well underway! Gone are the dark evenings, the cold mornings, and the need for big, heavy jackets to keep ourselves warm. At least, that's the idea – in reality, of course, Spring can be a much more varied time of year, with any given week likely to contain its fair share of sunshine followed swiftly by a heavy downpour of rain. In truth, you can never really predict which way the weather is goings to go during these transitional periods.

I often get somewhat frustrated during the Spring season, and end up wishing that mother nature could stop messing about and make up her mind. I've had enough of the cold, wet winter and I'm more than ready to embrace the summer that l
ies ahead - but usually, nature isn't quite ready to make the change just yet. I find that the best way to combat this frustration is to make sure that you take advantage of the sunny weather whenever it comes by, and don't let the colder days stop you from enjoying yourself. Recently, my wife and I decided to spend one of the sunnier days of March visiting a local wildlife sanctuary. She was surprised by my enthusiasm, but she came on board and we planned the trip together. Sure there were challenges like lack of time and pending spring cleaning; but where there is a will, there is a way, waiting to be discovered. We crammed our short trip into our busy weekend and enjoyed it immensely.

From our experience, we learned that planning elaborate trips is not the only way to enjoy; discovering nearby places and visiting them can provide a welcome break after a busy weekend. From that time onwards, we have made a habit of sorting out and shortlisting places around our area that can be visited for a short trip. There are many interesting activities that you can do at places nearby to lift your spirits on a weekend.

1. Go Bird watching at the Nearest Garden

Watching birds at the nearest garden is a fun activity. It is quite enjoyable to hear birds chirping and see them hop from one tree to another. Witnessing these little creatures at their lively best provides a joyful experience for all. You can also enroll in bird watching competitions like the one run by RSPB to get in touch with other birdwatchers.

2. Glamping Weekend

Glamping has recently picked up as a popular activity. Slightly different from traditional camping, it involves staying at relatively luxurious accommodation compared to what is found at a regular camping site. Cabins and huts located at places in the midst of serene and natural surroundings provide the best settings for a glamping trip. Perfect for romantic couples and families, glamping trips allow you to connect with nature if the weather brings sun, and shelter from it if you're less fortunate.

3. Go for Park Runs with your Family

Going for a run in the scenic park near your place is not only great for fitness, it is also a wonderful activity for the whole family. You can secretly pick out the running gear for the members of your kin and set about on your runs on a weekend. Without taking much time out of your busy schedules, these runs are a great way to raise the fallen spirits – and if the weather is colder, you'll be even more motivated to run faster and warm up!

4. Take Part in a Nature Photo Challenge

You can take part in a nature photo challenge and go in search for the perfect picture by yourself or with your family. Visit websites that organize such competitions, enroll and get busy.

5. Try Geocaching

Geocaching is quiet an addictive activity. It is a high-tech treasure hunt in which you must hunt down small caches that have been hidden by fellow players and log them. You can start with caches ranked as easy and, when you get the hang of it, you can move onto difficult geocaches. This activity can be performed solo as well as with the whole family, and is a great way to have fun outdoors.