When going on an adventure trip, there are times you will meet new people. The question is not just about who you are going to meet but also what you can do once you meet new people. Planning an adventure trip with a team is great both in terms of safety and enjoyment. But, it also has its risks of creating a conflict if there is no teamwork. Here are some tips to maintain teamwork during activities like mountain climbing and hiking.

Communication is the key

Communication is important to maintain clarity and clarity is critical for the team to perform. Most teams avoid allowing communication which is why there are always chances of things going wrong. In such cases, they would rather blame others for their failures instead of acknowledging the lack of collaboration.

Define goals

Work together for a commonly shared vision. Understand the common goal and fix a target that everyone can agree with. If not, the members will start running in diverse directions to do what fits their goals.

Build trust

A team is nothing without trust. You must build trust within the team to add more value to the actions performed together. 

Define roles

There are no leaders but definite roles so that less conflict and more productivity can be achieved. The team should decide on someone who is well-versed with directions, someone who can mentor the team, someone who can lighten the stress, and acknowledge when someone has more information about the trail.

Various adventures that require teamwork

Here are some of the main takeaways from the Trails Are Common Ground etiquette guidelines.


Give way to equestrians, and others, when required. Also, keep a track of your team members. Are they okay? Are they hydrated? Walk cautiously on tricky trails to avoid causing injury to yourself or the team. Be sensitive towards disabled hikers.


When you are an equestrian, there are more chances of others yielding to you than vice-versa. But be ready to yield if and when required. Keep everyone's safety in mind and remind yourself that a group of horses can be intimidating to many. Move while maintaining a safe distance from other horses of the team. Pass them before or let them pass you.

Mountain biking

Understand the needs of uphill cyclists while riding downhill. Acknowledge the needs of the disabled user. You can yield to equestrians and foot traffic wherever needed. Maintain the control for corners and try not to overtake or push your teammates in the haste to ride faster. Take trails that are more open and allow riders to pass by instead of turning it into a race. If needed, you and your team can use bells to let users know of your presence.

Motorized travel

Be careful when traveling in a group and keep a safe distance from those who are non-motorized. Be responsible and respect the law as well as the safety concerns of others. Avoid tricky areas, especially while traveling in a team.

Trail running

Be flexible with your needs. If you and your team are running uphill, yield to those who are running downhill and vice-versa. Always maintain kindness to allow safety while running. Be understanding towards disabled users.