Have a look at the latest additions to our outdoor clothing store this winter and help yourself to keep fit and active in your retirement. The British Journal of Sports Medicine has published the latest study into how exercise can assist in helping to avoid the worst of some of the major diseases that affect us, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, dementia and depression.

The study has followed 3,500 people across the country, who were around retirement age when the study began, who were all of good health. Those in the group who took up various forms of exercise were found to be three times more likely to remain healthy over the following eight years than those who had a more sedentary lifestyle.

In the follow-up studies it was found that 20% of the group were still healthy, defined as not suffering from any major chronic mental or physical illness. This “healthy” group was, to a large degree, made up of those people, men and women, who had always undertaken some form of exercise and those who had taken it up on approaching retirement. Obviously regular exercise throughout a lifetime would be the ideal situation, but researchers found that there were still health benefits to be had for those late starters.

Basically the old saying of “use it, or lose it” is one that does apply here so the more mature in years amongst just need to move as much as they think they are able. We not expecting a group of 80+ retirees to conquer Everest (there again) but if you regularly undertake moderate or vigorous physical activity at least once a week (no giggling at the back) then you will be three to four times more likely to live to a healthy age than those who remain inactive. Simple tasks such as gardening or walking to the shops count as much as going to the gym.

The Department of Health recommends that all adults in this country undertake 150 minutes of physical activity a week and that includes over 65s as well. The habit of keeping active, getting out and about is great not just for health reasons but it helps you make new friends and keep in contact with them. So no excuses grandma, get yourself kitted out at your outdoor clothing store and lets all get a bit more active and enjoy what’s out there.