New research released over the weekend about walking habits has revealed that over a quarter of adults in the UK walk for less than one hour a week. When the results are look at region by region, for some areas the figures are much higher. It also revealed that another 43% walked for less than two hours a week

Government guidelines suggest that the average adult should be doing around 150minutes of “moderate” physical activity each week. So nearly 70% of adults surveyed are not achieving the minimum. The survey asked about the total amount of walking they did and this included trips involving getting to work, shopping trips and taking the kids to school. As someone who is by no stretch of the imagination a fitness freak, as many of my friends will readily agree, and I do like the odd lemonade or three even I can easily surpass the minimum in a normal week.

As this week is ‘Get Britain Walking’ week, see my earlier blog, why not take the opportunity to get yourself out and about a bit more, leave the car if you are just popping to the shops, walk instead, it might take you a few minutes longer but its better for you.

Naming and shaming it was the West Midlands who came out worst as 34% admitted to walking for less than one hour a week. And credit where credit is due with the East Midlands coming out top with 59% ticking the boxes to satisfy the government recommendations. Maybe they could help their neighbours out?

The British Heart Foundation advises “that moderate intensity aerobic activity is the most effective type of activity for maintaining a healthy heart”. But what is aerobic activity? Its defined as “a repetitive rhythmic exercise involving large muscle groups such as legs, shoulders and arms” or walking to you and me, it increases your heart and can make you breathe harder but you can still have a natter with someone, so lets see how far we can improve those percentages for the better by the time of the next survey.

Other research shows walking can also have an affect on your mental state too – raising a person’s mood, lowering feelings of depression and allows a person to think more clearly, so boosting your self esteem.

As we all know walking is the easiest and cheapest way to get fit, after all you already own all the equipment you will need – shoes, coat clothing – although as you do more you might feel the need to treat yourself to some new walking clothing so don’t forget to check out the latest offers we have on the website