A first aid kit is the most essential item of any hiker’s backpack. The trails are tough and rugged and may cause small injuries if someone falls on the way or any other accident happens. This is the reason why having a first aid kit in the bag is of no use if you don't have the knowledge of using it. You should familiarise yourself with the basics of using a first aid kit before you head out for the hiking trip. This blog will give you information on how to use the first aid kit for 4 common injuries that happen during exploration.

Head Injuries Treatment

If you are hiking without a helmet in a mountainous area where there is a chance of rock falling from above, then the chance of suffering from a head injury becomes high. Head injury can also happen if a rock climber takes a fall or due to a simple head bump. Head injuries result in a lot of blood loss but sometimes the injuries could be internal or on the neck or spine. If there are visible cuts on the head, then clean the area with disinfectant and apply dressings and bandages but if the injury seems internal then immediately call for emergency backup to transport the injured person to the nearest medical centre.

Strains or Sprains

Walking on a tough trail may lead to tripping if you place your foot inappropriately or it may cause twisting of the ankle. Check the movement and sensation of the foot having an injury and if the movement is possible with some pain then you can assume that the injury is a sprain. Getting the body part evaluated by a medical professional is an ideal way of treatment in this case. You can use the “RICE” procedure (rest, ice, compression, elevation) to reduce swelling. Wrap the injured area with split or sprain tape to immobilise that joint with compression. Once the part is immobilised elevate the foot or hand with some support.

First Aid for Cuts and Scrapes

Treatment of cuts and scrapes during the exploration is no different than how you treat it at home. Apply some pressure near the spot and clean the wound using the disinfectant. If you don’t have soap or water to clean the wound, then you can use an antiseptic wipe. Use clean water for cleaning the wound as using water from streams or lakes increases the chance of infection. If you must use water from streams etc., then purify it first. After cleaning the wound, apply some dressing and seal the wound with a bandage to avoid exposure to the environment.

Treatment of Hypothermia

Hypothermia is caused when the body loses heat up to a point where the core temperature of the body gets dropped drastically. The wetness, cold wind and freezing temperature are the reason for the rapid loss of heat by the body. The early signs of hypothermia include cold, blueish-grey skin, shivering and uncharacteristic behaviour. You need to warm the body immediately and remove any wet clothes. Wrap a sleeping blanket or bag around the victim and give them warm water bottle to hold. You can also feed them hot beverages or soup.

Having full knowledge of possible health emergencies that could occur during the trip will help you to be prepared for them. You can learn more about the methods of first aid from your nearest medical practitioner.