If you are worried about finding the perfect sets and reps for the workout routine, this guide is for you. The following article will help you find your own routine for specific exercises depending upon your goals.


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What is the right number of reps one should set for their workout?

Depending upon your goals, your reps and sets should be set on a daily basis. If you are planning to improve your muscular endurance and hypertrophy, you can easily make use of strength trainings which will help you gain the muscle strength and core strength.


How many reps should you do?

Rep stands for repetition and is known to be one complete exercise. Here are some of the things you can try:

  • Long-lasting endurance for long-lasting muscle

People who are trying to set a target for muscular endurance will differ from a range of 12 to 20 reps. You can also decrease the amount of rest between sets ranging from 30 seconds to a minute in total. If you are a runner of a cyclist, you can aim for a higher rep or set so that you can go on to build your muscles.

  • Muscle Size

If you are into building large muscles, you can focus on the increasing amount of sarcoplasm and a non-contractile fluid that can be easily found in the muscle. You can easily set a target of range from six to twelve reps per set and aim for 3 to 5 sets. The resting time between the sets should be kept short ranging from 60 to 90 seconds.

  • Strength and Power

If you are aiming at getting stronger but do not want to gain more weight or get bigger, you can try focusing on the strengthening of myofibril hypertrophy. You can easily try repping from one to five ranges. You can pick up heavy weights and focus on the concentrated efforts into building your muscle with just few reps.


How many sets should you be doing?

The simple answer to this is doing around three to five rounds of sets per exercise. If you want to pick a weight that feels light, you can do three sets per reps. If you want to do three sets of ten reps of a 65 lbs bench press, you can easily go for three sets of eight at 75 lbs per week. If you have already pulled it, you can go for three sets of six the following week.


How do you build a workout routine?

Now that you are familiar with the process, you can easily make use of the reps and sets to build your workout program. Break down the following rep ranges based on the goals that you want to set up:

  • Hypertrophy: 6-12 reps per set.
  • Strength1-5 reps per set.
  • Endurance: 12 reps per set.


Don’t forget the nutrition

We always focus on the muscle building exercises and not worry about the food intake. If you need to eat the right number of calories. If you are consistently overeating, it won’t matter if you are doing 15 to 5 sets per day.

As nutrition is built around 90% of the equation, your sets and reps does not matter as nearly as you think they do. Progressive overload is important to build muscle and strength while burning fat.

Start today with the guidance and get your workout routine perfect in no time.