If there’s one thing that ruins a hikers day its blisters as they are annoying and painful making the trip a lot less fun. Here are some tips and tricks to help you prevent them.

Why the Hiking Blisters?

Blisters are formed from the continuous rubbing and friction happening between you shoes and feet may it be because of tight shoes, sweat, or wearing the wrong socks.

Prevention from Blisters:

Keep your feet free from blisters by following these simple tips to take into account during and after a hike.

Choose the correct shoes – Before buying shoes for your trip, make sure they fit properly and made for hiking only. If you wear shoes that are tight and not giving our toes any room to move, there are chances that the sweat will linger on and blisters would form. Use the shoes that provide cushioning to your feet.

Wear comfy socks – Shoes aren’t the only necessity. It is also important to choose socks that are made from good quality material. The socks should allow your feet to breath and stay warm & dry.

Break in the boots pre hike - Your feet should be given some time to adapt to the new boots. If the shoes are new and stiff, there are a lot of chances that you will suffer from foot pain and blisters. Before starting the hike, you should take a few strolls around the house or block for allowing the material to soften a little.

Keep your feet dry – A lot of people face the issue of wet feet. This situation arises due to the normal amount of perspiration caused while hiking. To prevent this, use foot powder for absorbing moisture and wear socks that allow breathability.

Take care of your toes – Give your feet all the attention it deserves. Get a foot massage or give yourself one. This keeps your feet relaxed and healthy. Apart from this, you can also trim the toenails and keep the shoe socks-free.

First aid kits are key – Get a blister kit for yourself so that you can always be prepared if there is a hot spot building on your feet. The first aid kit should include tweezers, blister pads, waterproof bandages, alcohol wipes, a pair of scissors, antibiotic ointment, and an adhesive tape.

Treat Blisters On-the-go:

Keep your feet safe with the help of ointments and tapes which you should include in your first aid kit. I would also suggest having a sterile wipe and a safety pin handy to treat large blisters without risking infection. After popping them, wipe the area with an alcohol wipe and apply antibiotic ointment. Cover the area with a bandage and use blister pad to place around it, so that there is some space between the shoe and foot. Let the blistered area breath e at night by removing the bandages.

Don’t worry about blisters as a lot of hikers face the same problem. In case it is too late to prevent them from causing pain in your feet, use the above methods to heel them in time. They will be treated in no time and you would be able to enjoy the rest of the hiking trip.