Not everyone likes cycling in winter. When you feel that weather is quite a bit warmer, it is very difficult to resist the urge of taking out your bike out straight away. However here's a few handy tips to help you prepare your bike before heading out:

Inflate your tires

For a safe ride, it is very essential for you to follow the instructions to maintain the quality of your tires. When bikes are kept aside for a couple of months; it's not uncommon for the tires to flatten. Pump the tires according to the pressure limit mentioned on the sidewalls.

Lubricate the chain

Nothing can be more irritating than the squeaking sound of the chain. Make sure to lubricate your chain well for a smooth ride and for the comfort of the people around you. I recommend a real chain lubricant instead of Jigaloo (WD40) or olive oil.

Keep your bicycle tuned!

It is very essential for you to check whether your bike is completely safe. You must take your bike to the bike shop to ensure that its brake and gears work properly.

In case, you are as eager as I am about riding your bike as soon as the weather becomes better, I advise you to take your bike and get it tuned when the bike shop is less occupied. The fall season is the best for bike tuning.

Be Ready with a Patch Kit

You must carry a saddle bag in which you can store all the important things such as an additional tube, movable pump and tire levers that you’ll need to fix the jabbed tires due to all the concealed dirt that begins to bud out in the spring season.

Varying Temperature

Every day the temperature varies by degrees. It is very necessary for you to wear different types of clothes that always keep you protected from changing temperature. I usually prefer to wear a half sleeve jersey with arm warmers rather than a full sleeve jersey. This keeps me comfortable while riding as I can take off the arm warmers when I feel too warm.

Nutritional Intake

As compared to summers, your body isn’t flexible in winters. Proper nutritional intake can help you bring your body back to shape. You can take an energy gel to boost yourself and enjoy your ride.