Planning to go hiking at the end of a tiring weekend? Let me share some tips with you that have always helped me get in shape before embarking on my journey. You need to build up your endurance so you don’t gas out too soon. Trying out some of these tips might just be enough to make your hiking trip enjoyable and memorable.

Follow a healthier diet

As someone who is looking to spend the weekend feeling lighter, you can gradually shift to a low-calorie diet instead of totally going off carbs and cutting calories. Eating food high in protein makes up for the energy you would need to nail your weekend hike, while feeling lighter at the same time. As someone who enjoys being outdoors, I also try to maintain a similar diet before my hikes and treks. Eating granola bars, tuna sandwiches during or before you start the hike is a good idea. However, it makes sense to have oatmeal, pasta or some kind of carb that fuels you throughout the day. Bananas are also a great source of energy and potassium.

Get a good night’s sleep

Rather than staying up late preparing for the next day or binge-watching Netflix, you should focus on taking complete rest for at least 2 consecutive nights so you don’t feel tired and listless on your hiking adventure. You should focus on setting a sleeping routine and stick to it for better results. Listening to meditative sounds will help you fall into a deep slumber and waking up feeling fresh. Sleeping well also helps improve metabolism.

Feel the magic of Yoga

Flexibility is important for hiking. There are many exercises that can improve your fitness but yoga helps you with flexibility and makes you fit from the inside out. It helps cut the risk of straining your muscles while hiking and also prevents cramping. For best results, look up some yoga poses for hikers to get yourself started at home if you do not have a professional trainer.

Walking builds stamina

Endurance could be improved easily just by walking. I try to walk a few miles every day but if I don’t have the time, I’ll either walk to work a couple of times a week or at least walk to the grocery store. If you are just starting out, make sure you don’t overdo than what your body can handle, because muscle soreness or pain is something you want to avoid before the hiking trip.

If you start following this one or two weeks out from the hiking trip, you will definitely feel less fatigued. However, incorporating these tips in your lifestyle little by little can help keep you fit in the long term.