When you purchase a pair of walking boots, you expect them to last for a long time. Follow these simple steps to prolong their lifespan!

After a walk

Once you’ve finished using your walking boots, after a hike or just a small walk with your dog, you’ll probably be tempted to remove them and leave them aside until you next need to use them. We’ve all done it, but if you want to maintain them and prolong their lifespan, this is not recommended. Dirty boots can eventually crack and rot leather, so you should ensure that your boots are thoroughly brushed all over, including in the laces and insole. Finish up by shaking them and knock the soles together, which will hopefully get rid of anything you may have missed.

Cleaning and drying

Effectively cleaning and drying your boots can also prolong their lifespan. After wiping, you can give your boots a quick wipe over with a damp sponge or cloth and a dry sponge and cleaning gel if there is still some dirt left. You may then leave your boots somewhere to dry, but ensure that they are left somewhere moderately warm instead of next to a radiator or a fire – which could damage the soles, plastics and glues.


Ensuring the boot remains waterproof

When a leather boot gets wet repeatedly, the sealant applied to the boots to make them waterproof will become less and less effective. This will mean that you need to re-waterproof the pair in order to fully protect your feet from any weather. The types of leather that are most prone to this are nubuck and suede boots. Waterproofing products can be water-based, wax and are often available in the form of sprays, which provide a nice, even spread of protection.

Inside the boot

Looking after the inside of your boots may not affect the overall function as much as the outside does, but it’s still very important that they are appropriately maintained. When you’re walking long distances, you’re likely to perspire. This can be limited by wearing effective walking socks, but the moisture and bacteria can be trapped inside the boot – potentially leading to damaged insoles, but certainly smelly boots. Clean the boots by soaking them in water and cleaning gel for around half an hour. Leave them in a warm room and use newspaper or dry rags to fill a lot of, but not all of, the inside. After they’ve dried, use a waterproofing treatment. Following all of these steps will help you to further increase the lifespan of your boots.

To check out our entire range of walking boots visit our website now where all of our items are available at discounted prices. Orders over the cost of £50 receive free shipping. If you have any questions, please do leave a comment below or message us on Facebook or Twitter!