It is always exciting and fun for kids to go into the water and unveil what they can achieve. The best thing about body boarding is that it is inexpensive and suitable for kids of all ages, a fun way for them to explore the water.


Below are a few useful pointers on how to prepare for the sport.

Choose the Right Body board

You need to make sure that the body board purchased is the right size, an incorrectly sized board can make the sport more difficult and less enjoyable for your child. You don't need to buy the most expensive board, there are many sports shops by the sea which sell them and can advise you on which to buy.

Buy the Right Wetsuit

While going into water, especially in the UK, your kid would definitely feel cold due to the weather conditions. The wet suit will keep the cold out protecting your child from illness and will help ensure willingness to learn the sport.

Enter Shallow Waters

For safety make sure you start off training your child in shallow waters, the waves will be much calmer for their practice, however watch out for rocks!

Make Sure Your Kid is Comfortable in the Sea

Take it slow, your child will need to boost their confidence in the sea before they feel comfortable in their training. You may want to start the training with a spot of sea swimming to help with this.

Choose a Beginner’s Beach

There may be a plenty of beaches in the UK but only a few can promise a great experience body boarding to your kids. It is important to choose the beach that has fewer tide spots and perfect waves for the beginners to learn.



The most important point I would like to stress is to have fun!

Spending time in the water is one of the best family bonding activities you can indulge in. By teaching your child to body board you