Hiking is great, but when you find someone who you love doing it with, then that makes it even better. Here are the top things to look for in a great hiking partner!

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When you find someone who loves hiking the same trails as you do, whether that’s in a certain location, a specific distance or on a particular terrain – it makes planning weekend hikes much easier.

Depending on who you’re with, hiking with someone or a group of people can be frustrating. Whether it’s because you’re being left behind or because you’re too far ahead, finding someone who is of a similar ability level is bliss.

You know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. When they need some help, you know what to say or what to do. Something as simple as suggesting that you rest for a short while when you can tell that the other person needs it, is invaluable. Another means of knowing when you can help someone is by offering your food/water or sharing your gear/belongings – such as that spare waterproof jacket.

One of the most important things that you need to enjoy a hike with another person is good chemistry. If you share similar interests with someone (you will at least have one in common!) then conversations will be great, making those lengthy walks even better. That person will also know how to capture you best in a top-of-the-hill photograph!

When we’re walking long distances, we sweat. If you can be comfortable around someone when you are – they most likely are too – then you know that you’ve found a great hiking partner.

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