Challenging your mind and body to do something you fear in itself is a big deal. Be it the fear of heights or the fear of drowning in the water, the only way to come out of these fears is by trying out the unknown.

I had been a complete indoor person until last year when I dared to try my hand at numerous sports challenges, given to me by my friend who is not just an outdoor adventure enthusiast but also a professional trainer to many of the same activities.

It is never too late to try things you have been wanting to try but haven’t because of that unknown fear within you. With the start of this year, say goodbye to your fear, inhibitions, and hesitations and open the world of unlimited fun to yourself. Stop being a spoilsport and indulge in some adrenaline-pumping and heart-pounding adventure activities this year. Just saying, you might see more than just scuba diving, skydiving, paragliding etc., in my list.

Below are few indispensable tips that guide you through the must-try outdoor adventure sports and other outdoor fun-activities this year. These are:

Set Your Goals as High as a Mountain- What better way to start your year, but by setting goals for the upcoming days. The sense of achievement not only provides satisfaction, but boosts your morale and confidence to the hilt. Climbing up a mountain and standing on the summit can bring you these similar feelings of that of achieving something huge. Apart from all of this, you get to see a beautiful view, once you reach the top.

Explore the Wilderness-Measure the vastness of the verdant landscapes in the countryside by packing your bags with all your outdoor camping gear. Camping amidst the wilderness is an out-of-the-world experience. If you are an animal lover, this would be ‘The chance for you’ to delve deeper into the essence of nature and its gifts. Alongside, you can always plan small hikes and treks to keep the adrenaline pumping.

Kill your Fears-Break out from your comfort shell and flap your wings to happiness by trying out numerous outdoor activities. If you have been suffering from vertigo then without any further ado go try skydiving or paragliding. The feeling of plummeting through the air on a breathtaking fall will give you Goosebumps, but it shall be worth a try. Similarly, if you have hydrophobia, go for your first scuba-dive. Other water-sports are there too, which you can give a try once you get a hang of how it feels in the water. You can even start with basic swimming lessons. Learning a new skill always comes in handy in the future!

Go on a Hiking Trail- If you are a good navigator, things become easy. Sharpening your navigation skills help you plan an easy hike and trail. Carry a hard copy of a physical map wherever you travel and try marking the landmarks along the road. Going on such hikes and treks gives you a sense of direction and makes you more sound with the surroundings. You observe the things around you which makes it easy to map down your way back. Such experiences also help you gain better experience in packing your bags light.

Enrol Yourself in Professional Training- Going for some professional training courses is an ideal thing to do. If you wish to try each outdoor activity, then such a training can improve your technique and your way of approaching various sports. For instance, a person who wishes to try water-sports should go for hardcore swimming sessions before taking on a big sea swim. One can even go for emergency wilderness first aid courses, to improve your skills of providing medical aid in case you are stuck in remote areas during hikes and trails.

 It is time you push beyond the realm of reality and take on all these exciting outdoor activities to overcome all impossible physical and mental challenges. Stay fit and keep exploring the unexplored!