The golden period of life starts at the beginning of 65 years with the wisdom reflected in the silver manes. Adventure knows no age and we learn at every stage. The time has come to backpack and go hiking with these exclusively-woven fitness tips that hold true for each practice.

Brain: Mental acuteness and dexterity may fade with the growing years leading to minor cognitive impairment which is informally called ‘senile moments’.

The solution: Going for regular walks helps a great deal in healing cognitive impairment and depression.

Heart: The valves that control the blood stream tend to grow thicker in density and stiffer, which restricts the measure of time spent in the red zone before heart-stroke turns into a genuine risk.

The Solution: Studies propose that the coenzyme Q10 is compelling in decreasing heart stiffness, while improving pumping activity and electrical capacity. Enable your body to incorporate CoQ10 with wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, and trout.

Bones:  Long-term weakness of health may lead to big injuries from minor falls.

The Solution: The best way to overcome osteoporosis is with calcium to be taken as 1,000-1,200 milligrams per day and vitamins D to be taken as 600 IU per day and K 80 micrograms per day. Vitamin D helps in increasing calcium levels and sunshine also fixes this deficiency.

Water: By the age of 70, total body water reduces up to 8%, which increases the risk of dehydration, heatstroke, and hypothermia.

The fix: On those trail days, you should drink half your body weight in ounces.

Muscle: As we step into the wise old years, the muscles lose their strength by about 30% and this can affect your trail legs if you don’t move them.

The Solution: "Increase your muscle strength with the help of rigorous strength training within 6 months, approximately. The fitness experts advise to try more reps with the less amount of weight and consume more protein intake to 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight.

Joints/cartilage/back: A lot of wear and tear reduces the padding within the joints and the back resulting in pain and stiffness while hiking.

The Solution: Moving a joint tends to loosen it. Let me brief you about an easy workout: Exercise stiff joints to 360-degree motion. For instance, squats for knees and arm swings for shoulders about 5 times per day. Repeat these workouts in the morning, during rest breaks and in the evening. Take 400 mg of anti-inflammatory medicines 3 times per day.

Skin: The largest, most fragile and most exposed organ of the body becomes flimsy with age which reduces the healing capacity. That makes cuts more prone to infection, especially in the backcountry.

The Solution: Pop zinc tablets of about 11 milligrams per day. Papaya, meat and dairy are counted amongst the richest sources of zinc. In case of a cut, first wash and clean the wounds quickly and thoroughly. Apply a sunscreen with SPF40 during harsh sun rays.

Feet: They say years of walking peels off the smoother padding from the instep of your feet and heel. This causes soreness from your feet to the back.

The Solution: Insoles

The best way to ensure a healthy heart and prevent cancer-causing free radicals lies in this refreshing fruit snack which is high in Omega-3 fatty Acids and Vitamin A. Here are the ingredients:

  • 1 1/2 cup raw cashews, lightly toasted
  • 1 cup raw or crispy macadamia nuts
  • 1/2 cup dried papaya, cut small
  • 1 cup dried mango, cut small
  • 1 cup dried pineapple, cubed
  • 1 cup dried coconut flakes