Hydration is a must for every individual to stay active throughout the day. You must have seen the word “Electrolyte” on the packaging of various eatables and beverages. All the sports nutrition products claim to have electrolytes in them. But have you ever given a thought as to what are electrolytes? And do you really require them?

We have come up with a full guide to let you know everything about electrolytes. Keep on reading to learn how you can purchase the right nutrition with the right electrolytes.

What Do Electrolytes Mean?

Electrolytes are charged ions that conduct electricity when mixed with water. These positively and negatively charged ions enter your body through fruits, vegetables, and fluids. They regulate the cellular functioning that results in enhanced metabolism, muscle contraction and more.

Factors Responsible for Electrolyte Imbalance

During perspiration, your body loses electrolytes. Diets with electrolytes help regain sodium and other vital salts and minerals.

Loss of electrolytes varies from individual to individual. People who sweat excessively may require more electrolyte intake as compared to those who sweat less. Similarly, those who have high concentrations of sodium in their sweat require high electrolyte intake.

But for an athlete, the electrolyte requirement depends upon the intensity and duration of the workout.

When should you take Electrolytes?

You must be thinking 'when should you take electrolytes'? This is a vital factor while taking electrolytes. You need not add electrolytes to your drink unless you work out for more than 3-4 hours. If you begin your workout in a balanced situation, you are not going to face any problem occurring due to an electrolyte imbalance.

People who indulge in activities where they sweat excessively, such as heavy workouts and athletes require higher electrolyte intake. If you are travelling on a hot day in the summer season, it is advisable to carry some electrolyte drinks with yourself to keep yourself energised throughout the journey.

How Do Electrolytes Work?

The electrolytes help in proper functioning of your heart as sodium fills the blood vessels around the heart with the required amount of water. This allows the heart to pump blood efficiently to the muscles that result in proper muscle movement and healthy heart rate.

It is not always necessary that you are on low electrolyte levels every time you experience muscle cramps or fatigue. It can be due to low glucose levels as they are also responsible to provide energy to your body.

Sources of Electrolytes

According to scientists, there is not one method of electrolyte consumption better than another. However, the sports drinks are easy to drink and they supply both electrolytes and carbohydrates at a time.

It is advisable to eat real foods such as fruits and vegetables rather than ready to consume manufactured foods.

If you are an athlete, never consume too much of an electrolyte drink at one time. Only take when you feel its requirement.

There are three types of drinks that help regain lost electrolytes of your body. Choose the one suitable for you.

  • Isotonic Drink- It is concentrated with both electrolytes and carbohydrates. It meets the electrolyte requirement of people who indulge in the medium intensity workout.
  • Hypotonic Drink- It helps replace fluid loss and regain electrolytes in the day-to-day life of an individual. It is perfect for those who want carbohydrates to replace the fluid loss. It keeps you energised throughout the day.
  • Hypertonic Drink- It is high in carbohydrates and is ideal to take after the workout session. This helps restore glycogen lost during exercise.

Now, you know everything about electrolytes you can manage your electrolyte intake wisely and stay energised.