Scientists, from Scotland and France, who have been researching the Emperor Penguins while they are in their breeding grounds at Pointe Geologie in Terre Adelie, have made the discovery that the surface temperature of the penguins is lower than the surrounding air. Could this open up a new market for our range of outdoor kit I hear you ask?

Actually the penguins are perfectly adapted to there environment and we don’t need to worry about it; but when it was discovered using infra-red technology it did seem very unusual until they found that it a special feature of the plumage that they have. The thick insulating feathers, the equivalent of a human wearing 2 or 3 ski-suits, possess such a specialised structure that they don’t transfer the cold to the skin. This only shows up on infra-red so even though they look like they are cold they are in fact toasty warm. Only the animals’ eyes remain above zero.

So in effect they are already wearing their own built-in bodywarmer. Well it’s alright for some!

So if you want to stay as warm as an Emperor Penguin living in the snow and ice of the South Pole, why not check the range of bodywarmers on the website, whether or not you are trekking to the Antarctic, or looking for something to take the chill of when out in the garden, it’s a useful addition to your outdoor kit.