Embark on your walking trip with all the essential gear to make sure the journey is smooth. Along with all the basic essentials that we hikers carry, one of the handiest things is a “walking pole”. It helps in making your hikes quick with less chance of a stumble.

Whether experienced or a novice, walking poles are something every hiker needs for keeping themselves safe from a number of possible dangers and injuries. Read on to find some of the reasons as to why you need a walking pole on your next hike –

Safety first – walking is fun! But safety comes first as hills are not friendly for people not always sturdy on their feet. They main purpose is to help you walk with ease especially if the ground beneath you is not even or the hill is steep, keeping you on your feet.

Posture is important – Walking in a bent down position can lead to pain in your joints and back. When hikers use a walking pole it helps them to keep their posture straight which in hand allows you to breathe more.

Rhythm and stability – Irrespective of the type of terrain you choose to walk in, steep roads are always difficult. walking poles help in providing your body with proper support and balance. It also increase endurance and power to make sure that you can complete your hike comfortably. Walking poles significantly reduce the stress put on your legs, knees, feet, and back by evenly distributing your body weight.

Stay fit – Apart from stability and safety, walking poles also help in keeping you fit. It helps in speeding up your calorie-burning process by up to 20%. While coming back from the hike, the downhill road takes a toll on your body. Using walking poles can help protect your knees from pain.

Save some time – Walking poles help in speeding up your trek by providing maximum support to your body. While going downhill also, the walking pole would increase your speed, making it one of the most important trek gear for every adventurer out there. Just adjust the grip of your pole and push it with the strength of your arm.

The perfect solution – While walking uphill or downhill, sometimes you or your friends can face problems like joint pain or twisted ankles. In these situations, walking poles serve just like a “first-aid supplement”. It would help you or your friends walk even with a twisted ankle.

In the end, just have fun!

Walking is all about fun and even though you think walking poles are for old people, it is far away from reality. walking poles help in speeding up your trek, improving the strength of your muscles, and reducing fatigue.

On a personal level, before I started using a walking pole, I did not think it would be so beneficial. It has helped me stay healthy and fit. So now I recommend all my friends and family members to use walking poles on their trip.