Planning a family camping trip this year? You must try this easy to make and ready to eat, breakfast recipe that your kids are going to love. The recipe is called “French Toast Sticks”. When children are busy playing, it becomes difficult for mums to get them to sit down at the table for meals. Now try doing the same with all the additional excitement by serving your family a tasty breakfast.

Put a plate full of these French toast sticks on the table, so your kids can grab a handful of them and enjoy while playing. This way you won’t have to call them again and again for the breakfast.

The trick to prepare this recipe is beginning with slightly thick bread as the thicker bread adds firmness and shape to the sticks. A perfect way to start is to pan fry both sides of sticks in butter, but if you’re ready to put in little more efforts, you can also fry the toast edges. Don’t forget to serve with a small cup of maple syrup for dipping.

So, let us go through the ingredients required to prepare this delicious dish.

  1. Butter: 2 tablespoons
  2. Texas toast or any thicker bread - 4 slices
  3. Sugar: 1 tablespoon
  4. Cinnamon: 1 teaspoon
  5. Milk: ½ cup
  6. 2 eggs
  7. Salt: A pinch
  8. Maple syrup or Berries

How to make it:

  • Slice the bread into 1 ½ inch sticks.
  • In a vessel, beat 2 eggs until properly mixed. Make a mixture by adding milk, cinnamon, sugar, and a pinch of salt. Mix well.
  • Heat a non-stick pan over medium flame and slightly heat a tablespoon of butter.
  • Dip the bread sticks into the milk & egg mixture for a few seconds, allowing the liquid to penetrate into the sticks, then flipping and following the same procedure of soaking the bread. Take the sticks out of the mixture and allow excess liquid to drip off.
  • Place these sticks in the heated pan. Repeat the process with other bread sticks. Half the toast sticks can be fried in a 10 to 12-inch pan.
  • Once, the one side of the sticks turns golden, flip and fry the other side for 2-3 minutes. Remove and place aside.
  • Heat the other tablespoon of butter and follow the same process until all the bread sticks are cooked.
  • Serve these tasty toast sticks with maple syrup and fresh berries. Enjoy!

If you want your family to enjoy this delicious recipe while camping, pack all the above-mentioned ingredients and cookware in your backpack and have a great camping trip.