Our society has taken us away from the bliss of being one with nature. Adhering to 9 to 5 work hours each day of our existence, and tending to our family for what’s left of it, has taken us away from the simple joy of staying close to the nature. As a hiker, I dreaded the day we started our family, but secretly pledged that I will stick to my regimen, no matter what. I shared with my wife my inner fears and desires, and to my amazement she came up with a fantastic solution that quelled my fears. Her plan was for us to become an outdoor family. She explained that we can continue our hiking sessions, even when the baby is born, by altering our pace. We accommodated our baby in our weekly hikes and now he has grown up to be a hiker just like his mum and dad.

Our Story

We found a baby carrier for our infant and set about on our first hike as a family. The slow pace that we had to maintain was strange at first, but the persistent cooing of our baby kept our spirits high as we meandered in the wild. We found ourselves enjoying the countryside like never before as we soaked in the wonderful views. Together, we discovered a new four-mile loop one afternoon, and we knew we would have never considered that trail before our baby came into the world. In the months that followed, we kept on unearthing hidden trails that we could not have properly seen before because of our hurried pace. Carrying the baby on our chest as we moved in the wild was an experience that we simply cannot put into words. With each nappy change at a river or lake, we felt ourselves bonding stronger as a family. The tranquility in the wild turned even the most taxing task into a fun job. Even our little one was happy and smiling in the wonderful surroundings. We clicked many pictures on the first hike with our infant, and those photographs now have a special place in our family album. Our hikes became more frequent as our baby grew older.

That first hike instilled the spirit of an adventurer in our child and now he has become an avid hiker. He is the first one off to bed on the hiking days and hurries us in getting prepared for the trail run. We no longer have to compromise on our speed as he keeps up with us effortlessly and sometimes even surpasses us and giggles.

Extended Family Hikes

Our hiking habit has been quite infectious. My brother’s family has also become a part of our entourage. We set about on our hikes frequently and enjoy each other’s company. The pleasure that we derive from each other’s company on our hikes cannot be compared with any other earthly joy. We can proudly say that we have transformed into a close knit unit because of our shared fascination for nature. Discovering new sites for camping, setting up our stall at the river side and lighting a campfire brings a joy that cannot be substituted. Even when we are not hiking, our discussions range from the latest hiking shoes in the market to the perfect rain jacket for a rainy-day hike. The way passion has seeped into our life makes me delirious with happiness. I can proudly say that I kept up the promise that I made to myself and have reaped its rewards in the best possible way.