If you’re a parent and love being outdoors, we’re sure you would like your children to indulge in outdoor activities too.

Most parents would prefer not to indulge in outdoor activities like long-distance mountain hiking, trekking,with their children as they are concerned about their safety. Not taking them out for such activities is not a solution rather you should prepare them physically and mentally for being out in the mountains.

When you take your child out in the mountains, they achieve a positive viewpoint towards life when they are in contact with the power of nature. As a hobby, it needs additional stamina and improved state of wellness. Once, they gain these qualities, it will undoubtedly give them self-assurance and independence, which is so essential at each stage of life.

So, it is essential for parents to train the kids for a wide range of outdoor activities in the mountainous areas.

If you’re taking your child with you for long-distance mountain hiking, don’t forget to invest in best quality shoes for them. A pair of an ill-fitted shoes will lower their speed and can also cause blisters.

Once, all the basic preparations are done, it’s time to practice these 3 exercises to prepare yourself and your children for hill walking.

  1. Step-ups

Before walking up a hill, make sure your leg muscles and knee joints are strong enough to bear the stress on the rough and uneven terrain. The best way to improve your leg strength is to step up and down. You and your children can practice this exercise on the staircase of your home. If there is no staircase in your home, you can still do it by simply placing a wooden block on the floor and stepping up and down.

Begin slowly in the initial stages and gradually increase the step-ups and duration.

  1. 2. Running and Jogging

Build your stamina and muscle strength by running and jogging regularly for effortless hiking. Parents can ask their children to join them when they go for a morning or evening jog. It will help in strengthening the core and improving the stability.

At the initial stages, you and your children can start by running or jogging for 30-45 minutes and gradually increasing the duration (to 60- 80 minutes) and speed. This core activity is not only great for preparing for mountain hiking, but also helps you stay active in your everyday life.

  1. Squats

As discussed above, strong legs are important for hill hiking, you should work to enhance the strength of your thighs and knees too. Practice squats. Small children may find it difficult to do, but there is an alternative to it. You can make them sit up and down in a chair for about 7-10 reps. Parents can do it more depending on their physical ability.

These are the 3 best exercises that parents and children can do together to build their physical strength for mountain hiking.