So, the fitter you are the better your finances should be. And the most unfit among us apparently have a poorer state of financial health. This is according to a study by Life credit firm Noddle.

They polled 2,000 adults and found a link between physical and financial fitness. Those who confessed to doing little or no exercise are more likely to be turned down for credit and are also more likely to miss paying bills.

The opposite was true of people who stay in shape by exercising frequently. It was found that their financial situation was generally more stable and credit worthy.

The psychologist who led the study said: "Using behavioural traits like failing to open bills, missing payments, being turned down for credit and not checking your bank balance, we were able to define financial fitness… and it was noteworthy how many of the study participants also displayed signs of poor physical condition."

Closer examination of the fitter equal richer reports reveals:

  • Unfit people are 10% more likely to have missed a bill payment in the last year.
  • Those deemed to be fit have less debt by £1,300.
  • Unfit people are twice as likely to be turned down for credit
  • Those classed as very overweight are even more likely to be turned down for credit

So, it seems that being fitter is not only good you’re your physical health – but it’s great for your bank balance, too!

Now, what will you be spending your healthier bank balance on? New trail running trainers, a cycling jacket, a pair of walking boots or a big bottle of Champagne?!