Exercising is an important part of our life. We should exercise at least 30 minutes to an hour every day for a healthy body and mind. And if you are someone who enjoys activities like running, cycling, yoga, etc., then you should definitely do them for some time in the day.

It is said that running uses only 45% of our body muscles while cycling uses 50%. These are good numbers but what if there is another form of activity that has more efficiency? On this note, I would like to introduce you to Nordic walking. You shall be well equipped with this activity by the end of this article.

Nordic walking is a form of advanced walking that uses the help of poles to work your entire body. The effectiveness of this style of walking is very high, although it does not feel like it while doing so. The walk requires specially designed poles, not the ones that you use for trekking, to work almost every muscle in your body. It exercises 90% of our body muscles and is set to become the fitness trend of this year and hopefully in the coming years ahead.  Not only that, but it helps you keep your mood uplifted at all times and gives you the zeal to keep striding forward in all aspects of life. The impact of Nordic walking is such that there are about around 2000 walks on offer throughout the UK.

To help you get the gist of Nordic Walking, Craig Manor has prepared the ultimate guide to this enhanced style of walking. The guide discusses the unexpected advantages of Nordic walking as well as how to do about with this activity.

Here are some of the unexpected benefits of Nordic Walking that can pique your interest in this low-impact sport:

  • Firstly, it burns up to 46% more calories than you would burn in regular walking.
  • This activity also helps improve your spine mobility and helps with posture enhancement.
  • Thirdly, it helps people struggling with ailments such as arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and even cancer. The Nordic Walking Association researches the positive health benefits of this sport thoroughly and continuously to help more people.
  • Nordic walking also helps in toning down your legs, arms, and shoulders.
  • Further research and advanced studies have unfolded that this sport helps people with osteoarthritis. The study reveals that remarkable improvement has been observed in walking and standing after doing Nordic walking for twelve months.


Thus, no matter if you are old or new to the fitness world, Nordic Walking is open to anybody and is a sport one must try participating in for some good exercise and lots of fun.