7 Best Abdominal Exercises for a Bad Back

While we exercise, there are so many times when we wish that our abs were toned or we could perform every exercise with the perfect form. But sometimes, the reason behind not achieving anything is back pain. While trying to perform those sit-ups and crunches, the back hurts. Not only that but it can be dangerous as well.

If you have a bad back, this article will help you realise that there’s no reason to skip out on abdominal exercises. You can always improve the range of motion and get those abs ripped.

Back-friendly Abdominal Exercises to Try Out

  1. Plank

One of the safest abs exercises is a plank. In this exercise, you have to lay your stomach down on the ground, extend the arms in a 90° position, lift the body, and hold the position for a minute. If you are at the initial stage, you can always start with 30 seconds and move up from there. Make sure that there is sufficient space between the legs for a proper posture.

  1. Side Plank

This exercise is similar to the basic plank. Here, your entire body weight falls on the side. To begin, place your forearm on the floor, and remember to keep your elbow underneath the shoulder. Face your left side, lift the body, and ensure that your body weight falls on your outer left part. Once you have achieved the posture and balance, lift your right arm upwards and stay in this position for at least 30 seconds. Once you relax, switch positions and repeat this exercise around five to ten times, depending on your ability.

  1. Cat-cow Pose

This is a stomach vacuum exercise where you have to stand on your knees and hands with your legs in a straight position. It is important to remember that the shoulders have to be above the wrists, creating a perpendicular angle. The hips should be above your knees. Hold your breath, suck in your stomach, and stay in this position for a complete breath. Once you begin to exhale, relax the stomach muscles. You have to repeat this exercise at least five to ten times for effective results.

  1. Bird Dog

Another great exercise to stretch your abdominal muscles is to balance yourself on your knees and hands. Now extend one arm forward and the opposite leg back so that your body is parallel to the ground. Once you have gained balance, hold onto this position for a second and come back. Repeat this with your other arm and leg to complete one set. Follow this movement five to ten times.

  1. Towel Crunch

We all are familiar with the classic crunch exercise. This one comes with a twist for those who have back pain problems. Roll up any towel and put it below your lower back. Now begin the crunches and perform at least 20 repetitions to reap the full benefits of this ab exercise.

  1. Dead Bug

To begin this exercise, lie on your back and bend your knees in a perpendicular position. Extend the arms behind with your hands facing each other. Now bring your one hand over the head and extend the opposite leg upward so that both of them are parallel to the floor. Do the same movement on the other side and repeat this exercise at least 10 times.

  1. Leg Press

We all have performed leg press at the gym. This is for your back pain. Lie flat and bring the knees above the hips. Create a perpendicular angle and place your hands on your knees. Now press down yourself so that the abs contract. Repeat this exercise up to ten times for effect.

Wrapping Up

Back pain is common in today’s time. It is always important to focus on your body and there’s nothing better than exercises that target the pain area. Perform these safe ab exercises regularly and see the difference.