Are you like most people who are addicted to screens? We all do it. We spend countless hours lying on the bed, looking at the screen. The bad news is that the habits we have cultivated over a decade have ended up giving us poor sleep patterns. The solution to this could be yoga before you wrap up your day. These 6 yoga poses are easy to perform and can give a better sleep at night.


Neck Stretching in Seated Position

When your body is in the position described in the above section, keep your fingers interlaced and slowly place them around at the back of your head. Avoid rounding your body and instead, look downwards to let your chin meet the chest. Do this while keeping your spine strictly straight. Your shoulder blades should be down and drawn together. Breathe slowly and don't crank hard to avoid injuries.

Jolly Baby Pose

To follow this pose, lie down on the bed on your back. Keep the knees bent and touch your feet edges with your fingers. Now, use your core strength to move your knees closer towards your torso. Take five deep breaths and let go. Repeat this process.

Leg on the Wall

It may seem to be a strange position but it can be quite rejuvenating for your body. Move your posture as close to the wall as you can. Now stretch your legs to the wall. When you put your legs up and your head down, your body starts drawing bad blood out of extreme areas and gives your body some rest after a long day. Keep your hands interlaced behind your head, forming a 'T' using your arms.

Butterfly in Seated Pose

Keep stretching your upper back to relieve sore muscles. But, this time use your thighs and hips to create a butterfly pose. Let the soles of your feet meet right in front of your body.  Your knees should be falling outwards. Join your hands in a namaste pose and make sure your arms are straight.

Straddle Reclined

Once again, lie straight on your back in your bed. Spread your legs in a V-shape and try to reach your toes.

Another version is to hold your toes with your fingers at first and slowly stretch your legs in a straight position for as wide as you can. Inhale and exhale 5 deep breaths and repeat this set.

Eagle-Arms Seated Pose

There are so many of us who have pressure sores in our upper backs. This could be a side effect of our improper posture and spending hours in front of the computer. Loosen those sore muscles with this pose. Your arms must be extended forwards at the height of your shoulders and your palms should be facing down. Cross the right arm over the left elbow and slowly bend your elbows. The fingers of your left hand should be hooked to the base of your right palm. Deepen the stretching pose by pushing your palms while your elbows are at shoulder height.


Breathing plays an important role in Yoga. You can gain the best results from yoga if your breathing technique is fine. Take deep breaths from your abdomen. Keep your eyes closed or half-closed, and make sure all your phones and laptops are away.