Want to burn some calories or improve your health but do not have the time to go outdoors? Then, it’s high time that you opt for some intense but comfortable alternative to outdoor workouts, such as indoor cycling!

Indoor cycling or spinning involves the riding of a stationary bike in an indoor environment that not only makes you feel sweaty or exhausted like other heavy exercise options but also revives your spirit, thus enhancing the well-being of your physical as well as mental health. Designed with a small, narrow saddle and a padded seat cover, the indoor bikes give you a riding experience similar to your outdoor biking sessions. It’s just that you cannot explore the trails or the roads.

Though the idea of indoor cycling may not sound fruitful or enjoyable to some people, the myriad of health benefits along with the fun associated with it are not known to many. Read on to know why you should give it a try.

Strengthen and toned legs

Indoor cycling causes a constant range of motion in your legs that helps in keeping your joint lubricated and increasing the strength of your leg muscles. In this sense, this low-impact exercise makes a great option for people who are suffering from knee or hip injuries or pains.

By wearing cycling shoes and clipping into the pedals, you can effectively and increasingly utilize the upstroke to strengthen your hamstrings. Besides boosting the strength of your legs, indoor cycling greatly works when it comes to toning or improving the physique of your legs.

A versatile exercise options

From young children to aged persons, everyone can try indoor cycling to meet their heath needs. In other words, indoor cycling sessions can be easily tailored to suit the needs of everyone, regardless of their age, gender, size, or fitness level.

You can carry out your sessions at your desired speed depending upon your level of resistance as instructed by the trainer. As such, if you are a beginner, you can opt for pedalling at a slower rhythm, dialling down your resistance.

Better fitness

Usually, the sessions start after a normal warm-up and continue for at least 45 minutes, followed by stretching and cool-down. As revealed by the sweaty t-shirts of the indoor cyclers post-ride, indoor cycling helps you to burn a great deal of calories, particularly if you are following a high-intensity training. High intensity cycling for 45 minutes will make you feel that you have been working out for hours.

No extrinsic motivation needed

A lot of energy is involved in indoor cycling and once you start it in you can feel your energy growing at every minute. In fact, if you are joining a group cycling class, then you do not need any extrinsic motivation as the energy in a group class tends to be infectious. You will whoop, laugh, yell, and enjoy every bit of your indoor cycling class together.

Improved mental health

Besides improving physical health, indoor cycling proves to be one of the best ways of beating stress and poor mental health. Wondering how? Well! You can simply close your eyes while carrying out those indoor cycling sessions and get lost in your ride. You can also put on your earphones and play your favourite songs and get that feeling of euphoria. The endorphins being released, you will remain stress-free after the session!

It might be tough for you to take out some time from your busy lifestyle for routine exercise or outdoor hiking and biking. Indoor cycling does not require you to go outside and as such, it is definitely worth trying as it gives you a fun way to boost your physical, mental, and social well-being.