Yoga happened to me as a happy accident. I had to take two physical education courses at the university and couldn’t graduate otherwise. It was mandatory for every student and so needless to say, there was no knowledge or spiritual experience. When I started Yoga, over time, everything surprised me, including the fact that I couldn’t touch my toes. But as I like to say it, fate had other plans and every time I stepped onto the mat (been 3 years now), happy surprises were waiting for me. Let’s learn some of the most amazing benefits of Yoga –

  1. Yoga Rewards When You Don’t Expect It

There is something interesting that I’ve always noticed during yoga practice; sometimes it just happens. Although there are some poses that I always work on, just like handstand, crow pose, and side plank pose. When I am working on perfecting the pose, I work with a lot of care and love. I have been working on the birds of paradise pose for the longest time but don’t seem to perfect it. One day when I practiced the same pose with a new teacher, she explained it to me in a different manner. That’s when I perfected it! Not only did I maintain the right form but also stayed in it for a few breaths before coming back to the standing position. Although there are still a few roadblocks to overcome, this was a huge milestone.

So, remember not to lose hope. One day you will master the pose.

  1. Lightens Up the Mood

In times of stress and fatigue, we don’t seem to relax. I remember the day I was not feeling good due to a lack of sleep and an emotional crisis. On that day, yoga was not something I was thinking about. I wanted to skip the class and lay down on the couch with comfort food. But that day was Thursday and it is when I attend the yoga session with one of my favourite instructors. So, I decided not to pass on the practice that day and attend the yoga class.

But when I reached the studio, there was a substitute and my will to practice was lost. Although my first instinct was to walk back home, I didn’t. Thinking back to the time, I realise that I had made the right choice. My yoga class was an absolute delight! There was joyous energy and my mental peace and strength had been restored. I learned that day that yoga is the best activity to calm yourself.

  1. More Than What Meets the Eyes

I joined yoga out of compulsion and at that time, it was about improving my physical health. Although my first yoga teacher tried to introduce deeper aspects to the students, I never pondered on it. I had always been practical and it was a long time before I truly understood the significance of Yoga. Earlier I was at a dark point and felt depressed every day. But recently when I leaned myself towards yoga, I witnessed a greater change. My practice sessions turned consistent and I began reading about yoga. I even opted for the Indian meditation class and slowly, my mental state started to change. Today I feel calm, happy, balanced, and strong. Yoga has impacted my life for the better.

In Conclusion,

I have learned that yoga holds the power to transform lives. It is a gift of gratification and you should welcome it with open arms. Embrace all the surprises that come along the way.