We all know how much fun camping can be. But, the clouds of doubt are omnipresent in every situation, which is why we are here to let you know what makes camping such fun.

What Makes Camping Fun?

Yes, countless reasons make camping fun. And though each of those reasons is what makes the experience unique, we have listed 14 major ones that would give you enough moxie to go camping.

Marshmallows with Horror Stories

Camping is about staying up all night, especially if you are in a group. Toast some marshmallows on the campfire and take turns to narrate spooky stories to set the camping mood. For couples, this is the way to be romantic by the fire with mugs of hot chocolate and cuddling in blankets.

Set Up a Campsite

What's your idea of camping? Living in a tent or sleeping soundly in an RV? The decision is on you where you want to get cozy. Do you want to build a campfire? Look for deadwood and sticks and surround the fire with rocks to keep it from spreading.

Campfire Cooking

Indulge in outdoor cooking over the campfire by cooking instant ramen, sausages, baked potatoes, and more. If you have a barbeque set, you are ready for the best cooking experience in your life.

Hiking with Camping

Camping and hiking are sisters in a way. If you are surrounded by beautiful landscapes, why not follow the trails and explore more? It's not only good for physical and mental health but will also give you great pictures for your social media feed.

Outdoor Games

Choose certain outdoor games like capturing the flag or any other impromptu sport for fun. If your camp is by the beach, a game of volleyball with the waves splashing is going to feel amazing. Anything but being fixated on your computer screens.

Make New Friends

If you are traveling solo, you may come across fellow campers, especially if you are going to popular camping locations. You can meet new people, expand your social circle, and celebrate new friendships.

Away from the City

Leave work, the traffic, busy schedules behind and embrace time without any complications. Camping is a good way to release the stress collected from our day-to-day lives. Open your mind to energies that can refresh your body and soul.

Building Everlasting Memories

These memories will last you till the end of your days. Take photos of camping and no matter what you do, whether it's meditating on a rock, hiking on a trail, or chasing the wild butterflies, you know you will have a bucket-load of memories.

New Things to Learn

Discover new things with every camping experience that you have. The world is a good teacher. You can learn about new locations, wildlife, stories from new lands, and whatnot. You can even learn more about yourself when you are camping.

Closer to Nature

Say bye-bye to your life narrated by phones and laptops, and get closer to nature. See and feel the greenery around you, the rustle of the leaves as the wind passes by, and the stars at night without the smoke of pollution.

Bonding with Fur Babies

Pets love camping, especially dogs. Let them have the perfect time of sniffing around, running around, and playing with you. Quality time with your pet will be a healthy change for both of you.


Forget zoos, this is where you can watch wildlife thrive. Monkeys, deers, and other animals gallop their way. It's a heartwarming experience that you must have in your life.

Live the Survivor Life

Outdoor survival isn't real until you go camping. Have you ever watched the show Survivor? Camping is a lot like that with some skills required to survive. It isn't the easiest life but is surely something you can gloat about.