Every inspiring story begins with hardships. Just like every other incident, the story of Melisa began with losing one leg in a car accident. Although it sounds tragic it came out to become of one the best things for her. She has been able to conquer the goals that many people only dream about. Over the years, she has run a 10k race and walked 60 miles.

How Did It Happen?

The accident took place in January 2004 when Melisa’s life seemed to change forever. Both of her legs got badly injured and the doctors had to take a hard decision. Her right leg below the knee was amputated. After that, nothing was the same and she had no idea how to overcome this problem. Her next few months were spent in the hospital. Finally, in May 2004 she was discharged and continued the rehabilitation at home. Melisa exercised every day to try and regain leg movement. She also enrolled in Pilates, swimming, and rebounder trampoline. But all the activities were painful.

Beginning of a New Journey

In 2010, when she turned 55, Melisa decided to enrol herself in a 62.5-mile charity walk. Her physiotherapy began to strengthen the right leg. At the same time, she also began a free Power Plate trial in a gym. These exercises helped her improve her walking and regain strength in her muscles. Melisa felt amazing at that time.

Since the start, her left leg was getting overburdened and it suffered. But with the help of power plates, the tension in her legs reduced and her balance also improved. Melisa also found some improvement in her squatting position every day. This helped her take the charity walk organised on St. Cuthbert’s Way.

As her muscle strength and confidence kept improving, Melisa decided to participate in the 10k run. She found Matt at the Gym an instructor who understood her limitations and requirements. With his help, Melisa began her training five to six times a week, cross-training classes, treadmill sessions, and more.

The sessions took 1 year to show the results and only then she was able to build up muscle strength in the right leg and think about jogging. Eventually, Melisa could only jog for around 30 seconds and she felt exhausted. Gradually, her running power increased but she found it refreshing.

Although things didn’t move smoothly. Melisa faced some issues with the prosthetic limb for a few weeks. But everything started to settle down by July and Matt, her trainer felt that Melisa could run in the 10k race.

That day, Melisa finished the line in 1 hour 29 minutes 13 seconds. Though she had to switch back and forth between running and walking, Melisa was determined that nothing could stop her.

Wrapping Up

This story tells us that nothing is impossible. If you set your mind to something, you can always achieve it. All that is needed is determination, courage, and willpower.